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NO.1 Which of the following is a consequence of the portfolio definition cycle being managed well?
A. Resources are re-allocated when required resulting in the portfolio remaining strategically aligned
B. The portfolio governance body makes informed decisions on the composition of the portfolio
C. Initiatives will be started without considering their fit with the current portfolio
D. Resources, risks and dependencies will be efficiently and effectively managed
Answer: C

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6. Which of the following are main elements of the risk management practice?
1.Implementing standards which apply to all change initiatives 2.Collaborative working to facilitate
compliance with organizational standards 3.An effective escalation process 4.Champion-challenger
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,2,4
C. 1,3,4
D. 2,3,4
Answer: A

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7. Which is NOT a 'key to success' of an energized change culture?
A. A learning organization in which lessons learned are captured, disseminated and acted upon
B. Collaborative working including adapting the reward and recognition systems to reflect and
encourage desired corporate behaviours
C. A Portfolio Office that is appropriately skilled with an agreed mandate
D. Role descriptions clearly link personal objectives with strategic objectives
Answer: C

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8. What role is responsible for monitoring portfolio progress and resolving issues that may
compromise delivery and benefits realization?
A. Portfolio Benefits Manager
B. Portfolio Direction Group
C. Portfolio Progress Group
D. Portfolio Manager
Answer: C

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9. How does portfolio management support effective corporate governance?
A. Controls the major changes to business as usual
B. Clarifies responsibility and accountability for making decisions on which programmes and
projects will be funded
C. Ensures that the organization's change initiatives represent the optimal allocation of limited
D. Provides a means by which the link between strategy and resource allocation can be maintained
Answer: D

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10. Which is one of the 5 portfolio management principles?
A. Portfolio delivery
B. Governance alignment
C. Categorize
D. Management by exception
Answer: B

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NO.2 Ensure the performance management function are engaged at an early point in the development
of business cases
A. 1,2,3
B. 1,2,4
C. 1,3,4
D. 2,3,4
Answer: C

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4. Which is a main element in the resource management practice?
A. Understanding the demand for constrained resources
B. Motivating people to commit to the delivery of shared goals
C. Scheduling portfolio initiatives to avoid adversely impacting operational performance
D. Emphasising the need to operate as one team
Answer: A

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NO.3 Which is a benefit of assessing the impact of portfolio management?
A. More of the'right' programmes and projects being undertaken
B. It can help demonstrate a compelling case for investment in portfolio management
C. The portfolio governance body comes to a collective decision on the composition of the portfolio
D. More informed decisions concerning the initiation and scheduling of initiatives
Answer: B

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NO.4 Which statement describes the purpose of the Portfolio Direction Group / Investment
A. The role that is responsible for approving changes to the portfolio delivery practices
B. The governance body where decisions about inclusion of initiatives in the portfolio are made
C. The governance body responsible for monitoring portfolio progress and resolving issues that may
compromise delivery and benefits realization
D. Ensuring that a consistent fit for purpose' approach to benefits management is applied across the
Answer: A

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NO.5 How do portfolio and performance management coordinate to deliver strategic objectives?
1.Utilise the expertise of the performance management function in designing portfolio performance
2.Deliver change initiatives that contribute to strategic objectives
3.Incorporate the anticipated impact of the portfolio in performance targets

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