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Exam Name: OS X Server Essentials 10.9 Exam
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Last Update: 2015-09-06

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NO.1 Which statement is TRUE of file and folder permissions in the Finder in OS X Mavericks?
A. A user with Write-only permissions to a folder can delete any file in that folder.
B. A user with Read-only permissions to a folder CANNOT rename any files in that folder.
C. A user with Write-only permissions to a folder can rename any file in that folder.
D. A user with Read-only permissions to a folder CANNOT view any files in that folder.
Answer: B

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NO.2 If you click Enable User for the Logan White account, what is the effect?
A. FileVault 2 is enabled immediately for the Logan White account, and FileVault begins encrypting
the Logan White home folder.
B. You are prompted immediately to enter the login password for the Logan White account, after
which, Logan White will be able to unlock and decrypt the system disk, and restart the computer.
C. You are prompted immediately to enter an administrator password, after which, the user of the
Logan White account will be able to unlock and decrypt the system disk, and restart the computer.
D. At next login, the user of the Logan White account will be prompted to enter the login
password,after which, the user will be able to unlock and decrypt the system disk, and restart the
Answer: B

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NO.3 Pat is a member of the employees group. You have assigned permissions to a folder as shown in
the screenshot. What access does Pat have to the folder?
A. Pat has both read and write access to the folder.
B. Pat does not have any access to the folder.
C. Pat has write-only access to the folder.
D. Pat has read-only access to the folder.
Answer: A

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NO.4 In Server app, which procedure will configure OS X Server to let members of a specific group
use the Messages services?
A. Select the messages service, click the Users and Groups tab, and then select the group, and click
B. Select Groups, then select the group, and from the Action pop-up menu, choose "Edit Access to
Service". Select the Messages checkbox, and click OK.
C. Select the server, click Access, and then click the Services button. Select Messages in the Services
list, click "Allow only users and groups below," click Add (+) to add the group, and then click done.
D. Select the server, click Settings, and then click the Services button. Select Messages in the Services
list, click Allow Access, click Add (+) to add the group, and click OK
Answer: B

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NO.5 Which utility is on the OS X Recovery partition?
A. Firmware Password Utility
B. Boot Camp Assistant
C. Activity Monitor
D. Console
Answer: A

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NO.6 Which step is required in order to enable the management of OS X Server via Server app on a
client Mac?
A. On the client, open Server app, select the server, click Settings, and select "Allow remote
loginusing SSH."
B. On the client Mac, open the Sharing pane of System Preferences, and select Remote Management.
C. On the server, open Server app, select the server, click Settings, and select "Allow
remoteadministration using Server."
D. On the server, open the Sharing pane of System Preferences, and select Remote Management.
Answer: C

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NO.7 If you click Delete User in the dialog shown above, what will happen to James White's home
A. "Deleted" will be appended to the home folder name, and its permissions will be changed to allow
administrator user access only.
B. "Deleted" will be appended to the home folder name, and it will be archived in Time Machine in a
compressed and encrypted file.
C. It will be deleted immediately, without being moved to the Trash.
D. It will be moved to the Trash.
Answer: C

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NO.8 You want to manage configuration profiles on a Mac that has Mavericks installed, but the
Profiles preferences icon is NOT present in the System Preferences window. What is a likely
A. There are no profiles installed on the Mac.
B. You are not logged in as an administrator user.
C. Profiles have been disabled in the Security & Privacy pane of the Mac.
D. The Mac is not enrolled with Profile Manager.
Answer: A

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