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Last Update: 2014-07-21
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NO.1 Which of the following is used to help non-technical users collectively classify and find
information on a site?
A. Tagging
B. A wiki
C. Web feed
D. Ajax
Answer: A
CIW 1D0-610 1D0-610 Real Questions
6. Which is the preferred approach to communicate important action items in an e-mail message
to a co-worker?
A. Write the action items using all capital letters.
B. List the action items in a numbered or bulleted list for clarity.
C. Include emoticons to ensure the recipient understands your humor.
D. Describe all action items at length in a detailed paragraph in the middle of the message.
Answer: B
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7. Configuring a wireless network involves several steps. Which of the following is a task that
should be performed to configure and connect to a wireless network?
A. Configure a certificate authority and configure the trust settings.
B. Configure the wireless AP's SSID, encryption level and shared key.
C. Connect your computer to the same network hub as the wireless AP .
D. Connect your computer to the same network switch as the wireless AP .
Answer: B
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8. Gwen works for a small company where she has been asked to find a cost-effective option for
providing comprehensive
customer service. The finance, technical support, sales and customer service departments all
need to share information about their customers. Gwen is
considering adoption of a customer relationship management (CRM) application. Which of the
following would be the most cost-effective solution?
A. She can purchase a new server, then create and maintain the CRM in-house.
B. She can outsource all customer service so the company can focus on product development.
C. She can contract with a cloud service provider to host the CRM that her company's employees
can access.
D. She can hire a programmer to develop and maintain the CRM specific to her company's needs,
then have a service provider host the application.
Answer: C
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9. Web pages structured with which tag will fail W3C validation tests, no matter what standard is
A. <d iv>
B. <table>
C. <header>
D. <aside>
Answer: B
CIW Real Questions 1D0-610 certification 1D0-610 Real Questions 1D0-610 1D0-610 exam
10. Consider the following HTML5 code:
The code does not validate as HTML5. Why?
A. The <article> tag is missing.
B. The <meta> tag and its attributes are missing.
C. The <blockquote> tag should be used outside the <p> tags.
D. The !DQCTYPE declaration is missing a reference to the Document Type Definition (DTD).
Answer: C
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11. Which of the following statements about virtualization is true?
A. Virtualization enables multiple physical computers to run off of a single virtualized server.
B. In virtualization, you run multiple virtual machines, provided they all use the same operating
C. In virtualization, the operating systems of the virtual machines should match the host operating
D. Virtualization enables you to run multiple operating systems and applications on a single
Answer: D
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12. A user is submitting data from a form on your Web page to a database using a CCI script.
Which attribute of the form field elements organizes the user's information into name=value pairs?
A. Name
B. Form
C. Value
D. Method
Answer: A
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13. Which line of code instructs the browser to look for a directory named my site that begins
one level higher than the page you are currently viewing?
A. mysite/index.html
B. /mysite/index.html
C. . ./mysite/index.html
Answer: C
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14. Sally is a network technician at Acme Corporation. She has been directed to configure the
network adapter for a company laptop so that it can be used to connect to the company network
and the Internet. What is one of the required TCP/IP settings that she will need to configure?
A. MAC address
B. Default gateway
C. Workstation name
D. Loopback address
Answer: B
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15. You are creating a style sheet to format the pages on your company's Web site.
One section will have a black background with white text.
What is the hexadecimal reference you would use to specify the text color for this portion of the
Web page?
A. "white"
B. #000000
D. "255, 255, 255"
Answer: C
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NO.2 Which of the following is a security threat commonly associated with cloud- based services?
A. Malware
B. Phishing
C. Hypervisor vulnerabilities
D. Operating system vulnerabilities
Answer: C
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NO.3 Digital signatures verify the integrity of the data, verify the identity of the sender, and:
A. Provide data confidentiality.
B. Enforce non-repudiation.
C. Sign digital certificate requests.
D. Create certificate requests.
Answer: B
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NO.4 You are modifying an existing Web page that needs to validate as HTML5 code.
To create a rectangular hotspot in an image map that links to, which code would you
nest inside the <map> </map> container tags?
A. <area shape="rectangle" coords="7S. 0. 156. 75" href="" alt="xyz" />
B. <area shape="rectangle" coords="78,
0. 156, 75" href="" alt="xyz" />
C. <area shape="rect" coords="78, 0, 156. 75" href="" alt="xyz" />
D. <area shape="rect" coords="78. 0. 156, 75" href= />
Answer: C
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NO.5 You received a text and a threatening voicemail from an angry customer who wants to
immediately discuss the shortcomings of a recently released product. You are about to walk into a
mandatory meeting with your top-level leadership team. Which of the following is your best course
of action?
A. Continue to send text messages to the customer hoping to smooth things over until you can call
him on the phone after your meeting.
B. Request that the customer send his complaints by e-mail, knowing that any inappropriate
communication will be well documented.
C. Do not respond to the customer.
D. Skip the meeting and call the customer.
Answer: B
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