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NO.1 A customer is in need of archiving a great amount of medical records for a government
research project. These records are of patients, diseases, treatments and results. These records will
be built over the term of 5 years and need to be archived for 20 years.
What would be the best solution to store these records and provide maximum and efficient record
A. Tape Encryption
B. Tivoli Key Lifecycle Manager
C. Linear Tape File System
D. Tivoli Endpoint Manager
Answer: C
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NO.2 Which application would the technical specialist recommend for an application specific
point-intime copy?
A. IBM Systems Director
B. Tivoli Storage Manager
C. Tivoli Storage Productivity Center
D. Tivoli StorageFlashCopyManager
Answer: D
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NO.3 Based on the LTO standard, what is the published data compression rate of LTO-6?
A. 2.0:1
B. 2.5:1
C. 3.5:1
D. 5.0:1
Answer: B
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NO.4 A customer has a large campus facility and needs to connect storage in two different buildings
that are 1 km apart. Which of the following cables would be used?
C. Single-mode fiber
D. Multi-mode fiber
Answer: C
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NO.5 A web based company has an online product catalog. During certain times of the year, there
are peaks that stress the catalog database. The database is easily restored from DVD if corrupted.
To speed up response time, what RAID level would provide improved performance and maximum
B. RAID 10
Answer: A
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NO.6 A customer is using an aging EMO DMX and is running out of floor space in their data center.
They are a loyal EMO customer but the 010 is willing to have a quick discussion with IBM.
What IBM storage efficiency technologies should be discussed to address their floor space issue?
A. FlashCopy and replication
B. tape automation and LTO tape
C. storage virtualization and thin provisioning
D. manual tiring and external virtualization
Answer: C
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NO.7 Which IBM resource would a Business Partner without access to lab equipment use to provide
a client proof of concept?
A. IBM Innovation Center
B. IBM Techline Pre-sales Support
C. IBM Competeline
D. IBM PartnerWorld
Answer: A
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NO.8 On Monday, Wednesday and Friday a customer completes a backup of only the files that are
changed from the previous full backup.
This is referred to as what type of backup?
A. incremental backup
B. differential backup
C. full backup
D. partial file backup
Answer: D
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