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9A0-303 Free Demo Download:
NO.1 From which submenu can you export layer comps?
A. File, Place
B. File, Export
C. File, Scripts
D. File, Automate
Answer: C
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NO.2 Consider the given image: Which mode will you use to view this image using Adobe Bridge?
A. View Mode
B. Review Mode
C. On-click preview Mode
D. Preview Mode
Answer: B
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You can view multiple files at once by using Review Mode. To do so, select the files you want to
review and, on the application bar, click the Refine button and choose Review Mode. You can also
choose View > Review Mode or press Ctrl+B.Answer option D is incorrect. When you select a file,
Bridge automatically displays a preview of it in the Preview panel (if the Preview panel is open). You
can drag the edges of the Preview panel to make it as large or small as you'd like. In addition, when
you click in the Preview panel, the cursor becomes a loupe that you can use to magnify areas of the
preview.Answer option A is incorrect. There is no view mode in Adobe Bridge.Answer option C is
incorrect. With a file selected, press Spacebar to display the file in full-screen mode. When in
fullscreen mode, click the file to enlarge it to 100%, and click again to zoom back to fullscreen view.
Use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to navigate to the next or previous photo. Click Spacebar
again to return to Bridge.
NO.3 For you to create a duotone image, the image must be in _______________ mode.
A. Grayscale
B. Indexed Color
Answer: A
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NO.4 While working with the Warp tool, which of the following options from the View menu is used
to show or hide the warp mesh and control points?
A. Extras
B. Show
C. Screen Mode
D. Rulers
Answer: A
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NO.5 Which of the following is used to hide parts of a layer with a vector path?
A. Work paths
B. Swatch
C. Vector mask
D. Warp
Answer: C
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NO.6 What does dragging the gamma slider to the left in the Levels dialog box do to the image?
A. Brightens the highlights
B. Darkens the midtones
C. Brightens the midtones
D. Darkens the shadows
Answer: C
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NO.7 Which of the following file formats is flexible for transferring images between applications and
computer platforms?
A. Digital Negative (DNG)
B. Photoshop EPS
C. Photoshop Raw
Answer: C
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NO.8 Which tool should you choose for changing only the pixels that match a sample color?
A. Gradient
B. Color Replacement
C. Magic Eraser
D. Brush
Answer: B
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